land measurements in Ghana size of plots in Ghana

Land Measurements In Ghana: What Is The Size Of A Full, Half, And Quarter Plot Of Land In Ghana?

This article will take you through the verified land measurements in Ghana.

Many people have been searching for the size of a full plot of land in Ghana.

Others have been searching for the size of a half and quarter plot in Ghana, and most of them end up not getting the correct sizes.

That is why I have taken it upon myself to give you all the correct information regarding land measurements in Ghana.

In this article, I will cover the land size of a full plot, half plot, and quarter plot in all the various regions in Ghana.

We will also cover things to look out for when you finally buy a plot of land.

Before writing this article, I made sure to walk with a surveyor to know everything about land measurements in Ghana, and that is what I am about to take you through.

So, What Is The Size Of A Full Plot In Ghana?

In most Ghana regions, the full plot size is 100 x 100 feet. One thing about land measurement is that each town or region has its measurement. 

Although the normal measurement for a full plot is 100 x 100 feet, you will also find a plot of land in other regions to be 100 x 80 feet.

In Kumasi, most cities have a full plot of land measurement of 100 x 80 feet or 100 x 100 feet. In the Northern region, the measurement of a full plot is 150 x 120 feet.

What Is The Size Of A Half Plot In Ghana?

A plot of land in Ghana is either 100 x 50 feet or 90 x 40 feet. There are so many factors that determine the size of the plot. Some include:

  • The region the land is located
  • How that town is developed
  • How the chief or the person in charge has designed the town
  • The price of the land

What Is The Size Of A Quarter Plot In Ghana?

The standard size of a quarter plot of land is 50 x 25 feet or 45 x 20 feet. In some cities, the actual size will determine the location of the land and how much you are willing to pay.

Here Are The Land Measurements In All The 16 Regions In Ghana

Region Full Plot Of Land Measurement
Ahafo100 x 100 feet
Ashanti90 x 80 feet
Bono East90 x 80 feet
Brong Ahafo90 x 80 feet
Central100 x 100 feet
Eastern90 x 80 feet
Greater Accra100 x 100 feet
North East100 x 80 feet
Northern150 x 70 feet
Oti90 x 80 feet
Savannah150 x 70 feet
Upper East150 x 70 feet
Upper West150 x 70 feet
Western120 x 70 feet
Western North120 x 70 feet
Volta180 x 80 feet

How Many Acres Make A Full Plot In Ghana?

The standard measurement of a plot of land in Ghana is 100 x 100 feet. Four plots of land make 1 acre. 

You can use a 1-acre plot of land in Ghana to build 6 or 7-bedroom apartments. 

Can A Foreigner Own land In Ghana

A foreigner can own land in Ghana. There are no restrictions on foreigners owning land in Ghana.

But when it comes to owning land in Ghana, some lands can not be owned by foreigners, and they are:

  • Stool land
  • Government land
  • Vested land 
  • Family or private land

Is It A Good Idea To Buy Land In Ghana?

Buying land in Ghana is a good investment. All that matters is to ensure you buy the land from the right owner.

If you can buy from the right owner, you will have many advantages in owning land in Ghana.

You can use it to build your dream home, build your factory or make money from your home.

This leads us to the next question, how can you make money from your land in Ghana?

How Can You Make Money From Your Land In Ghana?

There are so many ways to make money in Ghana, and they are:

Buying the Land and Selling It After Some Years

You can buy a plot of land at a lower price, and as we already stated, the price of land in Ghana is determined by the location of the land.

You can get land at a lower price in some underdeveloped cities.

So if you want to make money from your land, you can purchase one at a lower price and then sell it at a higher price when the place finally becomes developed.

Build The House And Rent Them

Building a house on it and renting the rooms is another way to make money from your land.

All you have to do is build the house and then start giving out for rent. Tenants will have to pay you yearly, depending on your agreement with them.

Things To Look Out For Before Buying Land In Ghana

Before buying land in Ghana, you will need to investigate before making any payment. Here are the things to check:

  • Do a background search of the seller
  • Make sure you go through the legal documents yourself
  • Verify the land details at the lands commission 
  • Ask The neighbours in that area about the land. And if there is a dispute on the land or not.


Buying land in Ghana is one of the easiest things to do. Buying land in Ghana is easy and fast if you are dealing with the right person or the actual owner of the land.

But before buying land in Ghana, you will first want to know the land measurements in Ghana.

You will then start searching for the size of a full plot of land in Ghana. If your budget is also a half pot of a quarter plot, you will start searching for their sizes.

And that is what this article is all about. This article covered the size of a full plot, half plot, and a quarter plot in Ghana.

We also covered the size of a plot of land in all 16 regions in Ghana.

So if you are planning on buying a plot of land in Ghana, you will be able to see the measurements of all the land sizes in the 16 regions in the article.

You can also click here to know the best areas to buy land in Accra. read this article covering the best towns to buy a plot of land in Ghana.

It is always advisable to buy your land from a reputable company, read this guide on our best companies in Ghana that sell land, after buying your dreamland, you might want to know how to register your land in Ghana.

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